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Breathing into the Situation: Basic Posture and Breathwork Techniques for Spiritual Care

Presented by Nikki Kleinberg MDiv BCC

Streaming Video

NonMember - $45.00
Member - $30.00


Please note: This is an audio recording only.

Workshop participants are invited to learn and/or share how their own posture and awareness of breathing during spiritual care interactions might enrich their practice and personal well-being. Chaplain Nikki offers a multi-sensory presentation exploring historic and modern perspectives on posture and breath work as spiritual care intervention, followed by interactive and experiential instruction of 3-5 techniques that a caregiver can do on their own and/or teach, while also considering breathing techniques for people who have difficulty breathing (e.g.: cystic fibrosis, congestive heart failure, Covid). Multi-faith and atheist perspectives on Chaplains’ use of posture and breath will be welcomed and explored.

Learning Objectives:
  • Explore one's own use of body posture and breath awareness during patient interactions, and understand at least 3 techniques to enhance one's own presence and capacity for effective spiritual care of self and others
  • Consider ancient and modern understandings of breath work as a meaningful religious/spiritual resource
  • Understand potential benefits, risks, techniques and interdisciplinary resources for chaplains offering guided breath work to others (patients, families, staff) in patient care settings

Level: Beginner

Handout included: No

How It Works:
When you purchase this recording, you will receive a link to access the recording. There will also be a link to access in the My Downloads and Links section of your APC profile.

Workshop Session - 2023 Conference

Product Details:

Product ID: CR23-SA2.04
Publication Year: 2023
Pages, Size, or Length: 90 Minutes (1.5 CE hours)